angular controller test with DI - use inject (DI p2)

Previously, we’ve seen how to inject a jasmine spyObj as a service directly to a controller, using $controller(). This is easy, since we are creating a new controller for each test, so we can inject different spies to it. But what about testing services?

function MyDataService() {
    this.getName = function() {
        return 'bob';

function MyUpperCaseService(MyDataService) {
    this.getUppercaseName = function() {
        return MyDataService.getName().toUpperCase();

Here we can use $inject()..

First, we will inject the service to out testing scope.

var MyDataService;
beforeEach(inject(function(_MyDataService_) {
    MyDataService = _MyDataService_;

Now, we can directly spy on this service, and test the controller:

it("spyOn() and return 'alice'", function () {
    spyOn(MyDataService, 'getName').and.returnValue('alice');

Note that we are spying on the same service that is injected to our service. It’s the same object instance.